26 September 2014

A Promise of Puppies

A city starts to feel small quickly. Sound is a big contributor. Nothing makes you feel closer to your neighbors than their hosting of opera lessons several times a week (seriously) and a party that blasts Ke$ha until 3am (the time when it's finally hip to go out to the boliches). Not to be outdone, in the building across the street, a dog does his best impression of Bite Back with Kent Brockman.

Visually, the things that stood out at home continue to stand out. They just look a bit different close up.

Variations on a few of my favorite things.

Several visits to a neighborhood can transform it from daunting to endearing. Of course, it depends on the neighborhood. Recoleta and Barrio Norte don't need much help.

When in doubt, consult the Stud Book.
Because one landmark per block is not enough.
Check out those stamens ;)

The flower was designed to be a moving sculpture that closes at sunset. Designed to be, but the mechanism is currently broken and under repairs for around a year. That information is actually on Wikipedia but we failed to read it before going to wait in vain.

A live stream of Lauren, still waiting.

Another tidbit from the Floralis Genérica Wikipedia article:
When its petals were inaugurated, they didn't close due to technical problems which were solved two months later.
Not to generalize, but—oh, Argentina.

Meanwhile, a rainy day keeps us in Palermo, and our neighborhood gets that much smaller.

Ways to wait out the rain.

And no matter where you are, nothing melts away the rest of the world like a litter of puppies.

Everything is going to be okay.

Promise delivered. If you're more of a cat person—Lauren has you covered.